Thursday, February 4, 2010

Faithful Fridays - You CAN"T beat God's giving!

It amazes me how we sometimes think that we give alot but when I look at what GOD has done for us on a weekly basis I am simply amazed.
A few weeks ago a brother from our church, a doctor, went to Haiti with a mission group. A friend called and asked for us to donate some medical supplies like bandaids, personal care items and any non-perishable supplies that we could.

I went into our closet and 2 thoughts came into my mind. The first was "Give all but 1 or 2 of each to last until you can get more", the second was " I can't give that much, I won't have enough and I am not sure when I will get more" I said a quick prayer and went with choice number one. Two days later I cut myself and needed one of the finger bandaids that I gave away, you know what went through my mind at that point but  I smiled and said "God is good all the time"

A week or so later I went into RiteAid on a day that I had no intention on going shopping and what happens, God sent me more pads for FREE than what I gave away and today FREE powerade and pringles.

As you go through this weekend, reflect on the things that GOD has provided for you and your family this week. Putting a twist on what a fruend once told me, "You will never be as good a friend to GOD as he is to you"

Have a wonderful friday all

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