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Here is what I ended with:
3 - Head and Shoulders @ $4.99 each 14.97 (will get$6 ecb back)
1 - Lipton 12 tea pack 5.99 (will get $2 ecb back)
1 - Febreze fabric spray 5.00 (will get $5 ecb back)
1 - Febreze air effects spray 3.00
1 - After shave 3.99
Total 32.95 (I usually do not go that far over $25 to use Q)
Coupons Used -5.00 off 25 purchase from scanning my card at price checker machine.
1 -Bogo Febreze - 3.00
1 -Bogo Head & Shoulders - 4.99
1 -$2 off 2 Head & Shoulders - 2.00
1 -Lipton iced tea - 1.00 (Family is it'sown reward booklet)
1 -$11.49 cvs ecb -11.49
Total 6.47 plus tax 1.00 for a total out of pocket of $7.47 cash and I got back $13.00 ecb to spend in the store again and I got another $5 off $25 printed on the bottom of my receipt, I will use this next week. I love it :)
Saved $33.26 on this transaction. My year to date savings on the receipt says $1928.35. God is good to us.
As always happy shopping
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