Effective Couponing

I know couponing can be quite frustrating and time consuming if you do not have a method or structure to follow. I find that couponing is like a fun project that needs to be done in stages. Here is how I try to save the most in the least amount of time per day, please note that I do not always stick to this routing, I sometimes find myself skipping a day or shopping on a day that I did not plan on being out. You can use this as it is or tweek it to your personal schedule.

We are going to break up the activites into things that will take you no more than 30 minutes to complete. Some will be under and a few will be longer.


Before couponing Sunday was just another day now it is my second favorite day of the week, Sabbath being the first. On Sunday's if there is a coupon insert in the newspaper I go out to the store around 7am and buy my newspaper. Why so early you ask? well there are a limited number of double stack newspapers available in our area and other couponers are out as well so if I do not get mine early I will have to pay 2.00 per paper verses 1.75 each in the double stack. I also find that I am able to get the sale items that I am shopping for and get home to my family at a reasonable time. On lazy mornings I opt to pay the 2.00 or ask a friend to get mine while she is out.

VERY IMPORTANT - while I am at the store before paying for the newspaper, I go through the paper to make sure that the inserts are in them. If that paper is missing something I put it back and pick another one. You will not be happy to find out once you get home that you did not get one or more insert in your paper. I am a firm believer that if I paid for it them I should get it. So please check your papers.

I carry a reuseable shopping bag and put the newspapers in there, it cuts down on clutter and confusion, when I get home with the newspapers, I pullout the inserts and put the newspapers back in the reuseable bag, a friend of mine picks them up and recycles them or you can recycle them yourself as well.

The second thing I do is file away the inserts using manilla folders and hanging file folders. Place each insert type (ex. Smart Source, Red Plum, P&G) into its own manilla file folder with the Sunday date written on the tad in pencil, then put it into a hanging file folder to be placed in your tote or file cabinet until you are ready to use coupons from those inserts.

So on Sunday's I
  • Shop the Pharmacy deals
  • Buy my newspapers
  • File away coupon inserts
  • Order addittional coupons from ebay or clipping service - If there is a coupon in the paper that week and I find that I would like to have more but dont want to buy more paper to get them, I order them online. More details on this in our training class.

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