As this new year approaches, I am compelled to try something new this year. I do not usually make resolutions just set goals and try my best to get them accomplished. As a student of the bible I was drawn to the theme of "Community Service" for 2010. We sometimes get so caught up in our own little world that we forget that God has a bigger plan for each of us. I think this year I would like to take a more personal approach to community service. Here is the plan and I hope you all will join me.
CHARITY begins at HOME
I know that we all have friends and family members that we see going through the valley and it seems like their storms are never ending. I have a few of those in my circle and feel compelled to help for a season. With tha persons permission, this year I will help out a different family for each quater of 2010. If they need food when I go shopping I will set aside a portion of my budget just for their household. I will teach them how to do what I do if they are willing to learn. Whatever THEIR need Iwill try to meet it or put them in touch with someone who can meet that need for them.
My hope is that at the end of the three months, someones life will be different (for the better) thanks to the power of the living God.
Pray about this and let God show you who your clients will be. I hope you will all join me in this and spread the word to others encouraging them to join as well. Imagine what we could accomplish.
Post a comment with you thoughts on this.
Have a blessed new year all.